Saturday, July 21, 2012


Julie sent these pictures the otherday and said,

I had to work in a really small Post Office about 6 miles from Rolfe for a couple of days.  Scott had some things to do so he dropped me off and picked me up so we were able to take a few pictures.  Hope you enjoy!

 Who is that masked man?

 Why it's Scott!
 Here's your mail sir.

 Close quarters.

 Scott doing the Vanna White thing.

1 comment:

  1. Julie also mentioned to me that (and I hope I have this right) while this post office is only open a couple of hours, the person working the window is expected to put on a pot of coffee for the folks that come in and hang out and chat the whole time.

    I've noticed this about these small towns. People will move from one business to the other, anyplace there're some chairs, and sit and shoot the breeze for hours on end, finishing the conversation with, "I s'pose!"

