Monday, January 30, 2017


About 50 years ago, we lived on the same street as Dad's cousin Wayne Glaus. He passed our house each day as he walked to work at the Polynesian Cultural Center. 

Last Saturday his children held a luau in honor of his 90th birthday. I attended and it was a lovely affair.

 Wayne arriving and was totally surprised.

 Tane working the sound system, which is does in real life. Behind is the table I sat at with Randy and his children.


They had dances from several of the islands.
A little "keki" dancing. 

 The food was catered by a Polynesian group and was delicious. Salad, Kalua pig, Hawaiian chicken, rice, and coconut dessert.

Keith Stephens 
(Dad's cousin)

Debbie and Dan Peterson
(Keith's daughter)

 Allan, Tane, Susan, Wayne, Jeri-Lynn, Randy and Brian.