Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Here's another school story.  Not a back to school story, but a to school story.  Archer is just 3 but he get to go to school like his big brothers!  Here's what Rhiannon wrote:

Today was Archy's first day of preschool.  He was so excited he got to ride the bus to school like his big brothers. He is attending at such a young age (he turned 3 in July) so he could start speech therapy.  He has trouble with certain sounds and articulation. They have a really good speech teacher that will work with him. He is in a small class of twelve preschool students and will go three days a week for two hours with speech twice a week for 20 minutes. Archy was looking forward to playing on the playground the most.  It is so strange just to be home with my baby.

Good luck Archy on you education journey!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, I would've cried like a baby to see him go! The first day of school is the hardest - for PARENTS. Archer, on the other hand...I bet he's having a fine time.

    Looking forward to seeing you all next summer!

