Friday, February 22, 2013


No one has sent any blog stuff in lately so grasping at straws, I guess I will share our exciting happenings at our house.
 As you can see by the gaping holes, some of our vertical blind slats are missing. 
 Over the last few years, one would fall out because the attachement hole would break. I would turn it up side down and punch a new hole in the oposite end and we were good to go for a while (sort of). Eventually though, the gadgets that you put the slats in were getting old enough that they broke as well. Of course you can't replace them any more because they don't make them so exploring all options, and thanks to Home Depot (rather than a custom blind store) we were able to get a new setup for a fraction of the cost.
 Ken was here for a few days and before we could say "gee whiz", he had the old ones down and the new ones up.  No more gaping holes.
 When company comes, if they sleep in the living room they can have privacy.
They pull to the side with a wand. No more cords.

1 comment:

  1. What a handy guy!! Looks great! Send 'im over here. "Gee whi - ," I say!

