Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Back in the day, our movies under the stars was called a Drive-in movie theater.  Pack the kids up in the back of the station wagon and for one car admission we could enjoy two movies.

Erik and Kristin have taken this to a whole new level.  In his words:

Dive-in Movie…(get it...)
Here are some pictures of our latest backyard summer activity. We now can watch movies on our new outdoor theater.  Using our digital projector and a painters tarp that we have anchored like a clothes line, we made a movie screen that is 20’ wide and 7’ tall.  (Note from Mom:  They bought a painter's tarp and cut it to size and Kristin hemed it and then they punched grommets in the top and wove it through the wire).  It hangs over our pool so we can watch movies either under our patio cover or while enjoying the pool or Jacuzzi.  With the weather so nice this summer and our pool temperature at 87 degrees it is a great way to watch a movie at night.

Kristin lining it up.

A view from the other way.

Now that's comfort!

The latest buzz is that the we ordered a 50’ HDMI cable to connect to our TV receiver and it arrived last night. We plugged it in and guess what it actually worked (other ideas I’ve had have not worked out like I would have thought, so this was thrilling for me). We can now watch live TV outside in addition to DVD’s. We plan on watching Monday Night Football or maybe Dancing with the Stars outside this year.

Plenty of seating.
The outdoor screen is a hit with the kids and their friends.  Thankfully our neighbors are frequent attendees so we don’t have to worry about noise complaints (so far).  If you find yourself in Murrieta stop by for a free movie screening…

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