Monday, April 1, 2013


I am constantly amazed at all the things that are happening in all my children's lives. They work hard, serve gladly, help out many people in many ways, and the list goes on and on. I'd like to mention what is going on in a few of their lives.

The luckiest wife and mother alive. A great husband and 7 wonderful children.

Ruth: Ruth has been working on a book for a year and a half and after many revisions it is finally ready to launch. As you may know, Ruth loves restoring dolls and she's a good writer so an idea was hatched. She has been supported in this effort with the help of Ken, Dennis and Julie.  She  now has a delightful blog, Blog Name: Ruth's Cork Board; Blog URL:, is and has a Pinterest following. I hope you will all take the time to look at these, and if you have friends that might be of a similar ilk, invite them to have a look. Much of the success of this will depend on word of mouth so the more attention it gets, the more success of the project.
One of Ruth's restored dolls. You should see the before!

Ken: Ken has written an essay on his take of the topic before the Supreme Court that is very insightful and I invite you to read it and see what you think. Of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion.You'll find it on his Facebook Page, Ken Agle, entitled:

 Where I Think This is Really Headed (Not That Anyone Has Asked.)

Dennis: Dennis wrote a recent musing about if you were stranded on a desert isle and could choose 10 songs, what would they be? It's on his blog (check to the right column of mine and you'll see a link to his blog, Dennis' Liken Technicolor Dream Blog., or simply click Song Cap Theory and My 10 Shipwrecked Songs List. I've come up with three so far. It's fun to read and makes you think what you might choose.  (Recently Ruth & Ken have added their choices.)
This is Dennis' #6 choice.


1 comment:

  1. Whew! April 1st! Eventful day chockfull of doings and goings on!

    My, what TALENTED and OPINIONATED children you have. That must make for quite the family reunions!

    Much love and so proud to be part of this family.


