Thursday, April 18, 2013


Circa 1890

On Saturday we took a drive to see the progress of the "new" Provo Temple.  Here's a little history.
The Provo TABERNACLE was built in 1883 and took 15 years to complete. It was used for church meetings and cultural events.

The Provo Tabernacle was severely damaged late on the night of Dec. 17, 2010, when a lighting technician mistakenly set a 300-watt light fixture on a wooden speaker box in the attic, the Provo fire investigators concluded. The blaze caused an estimated $15 million in damage.
Being near Christmas, many expensive musical instruments that were there for concerts were also destroyed.

 This is what it looks like now. Of course the roof is gone and all the interior. The inner walls were reinforced with rebar & concrete before the building was jacked up.
 It may not look like it, but that is one of the tallest cranes I've ever seen.
So far they have dug down at least two floors.
 We had to take all our pictures looking through the chain link fence.
 Close up of the front of the building.
 Here are two of the cupolas.

If you look closely you can see a big earth mover under the building.
 Another shot of the earth movers.
The artist's rendition of the finished Temple expected to be completed in 2015. I think it is great to save and re-purpose this wonderful piece of history

1 comment:

  1. Thought those interested would also enjoy reading this:
