Thursday, April 12, 2012


This in from Suzanne:
For the last 3 summers, the "island" in the middle of our front lawn has been the bane of our exsistence. When we first moved here 8 years ago, Dennis dug the whole thing up, covered it with black weed cover and then we covered it with dark wood bark. It lasted for awhile but 3 years ago, we noticed the weeds coming through again and worse, old horrible grass was appearing. We decided that a weeks worth evenings devoted to that patch, some supreme quality weed killer along with the excellent black weed material and we could have that looking good again. Dennis had a plan. What more would we need? By Wednesday evening we were finished! We are hoping that our efforts will pay off this summer with less maintenance


For a couple of "non gardeners", we certainly bought a challenging house but we are learning, and refuse to be at our garden's mercy!

----- Original Message -----
Srping has sprung and the garden isle looks beautiful.  Well done.