Friday, April 20, 2012

Dancing Dads and Donuts.

Looks like Ken was home and able to attend a very special function at Sophie's school. There are a lot of Dad's there, aren't there.


  1. Yes, this was a pretty cool event. They had a Mommy & Me Kindergarten event at the school back in February. Obviously, I didn't go to that. But then I heard yesterday about this one. I guess Coppelia wasn't sure that I'd be in town, but I was so that was very lucky for me. I arrived at 2 pm and I walked into the school gym. There were easily 25 Dads there. It was actually kind of cool to see all of those Dads. I knew probably 6 of them from church. Anyway, we sat for a few minutes and then our kids came in. They stood in front of us. It was pretty cool. They sang a song and then we went and danced. We did a version of Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, but this one is called Toe-Knee Chest-Nut (head) Nose Eye Heart You. It was fun. Then we did the Limbo and the Chicken Dance and, of course, the Hokey Pokey. After that it was a few craft projects and finally a donut. It was amazingly nice of the teacher, Mr. "K" to do this and I was very happy I was in town.

  2. Aw, there's nothing so heart-melting as Dads and their daughters! Kenny, these kids will keep you young! Glad you were in town for the event too. Such a SWEET GIRL. I had so much fun when she sat on my lap during fireworks at the last family reunion!

