Monday, December 26, 2011


There are really two things that drive New Year's resolution success.  Number one is telling somebody about your goal.  Chances are, they'll either join you in pursuing it or at least support you.  Number two is to be concrete and specific.  You don't want a goal like "becoming a better person," because there's no objective way to judge that.  It's got to be something like "I'm going to cut my body mass index to 25." It can't be fudgeable.                                           Dr. Mehmet Oz 2003

'Hope those of you that are considering the 12 in 12 Challenge are giving thought to your up to 4 challenges.To get the ball rolling, some have been turned in already. Please note that you have the option to change or alter your submits up until January 2.

1. Take the 12% in 12 months weight loss challenge.
2.  Attend the Temple 12 times in 2012
3.  Do the family history research and have 12 Family names receive Temple Ordinances in 2012
4.  Read 12 books in 2012 two of which will be religious

1.       To lose 12% of my body weight by 12/12/12.
2.      To write ten years of my personal journal with pictures by 12/12/12.
3.      To attend the temple at least 12 times by 12/12/12.
4.      To read the Book of Mormon and the Pearl of Great Price, along with the Institute manual by 12/12/12.

1) Take the 12% in 12 months weight loss challenge.
 I think it is pretty exciting to have the encouragement of this program. If you enter this as one of your challenges, to be eligible for the monthly drawing, I feel you must have lost SOME weight for that month.  Can't leave it all to November!

2) Do a scrapbook of the 2011 Agle Family Reunion and complete 3 UFOs.
UFOs in quilting terms is to finish a project that you started but have never completed.  (I have a few of those!) When I finish one of these projects, I feel I will be eligible to enter for that months drawing.  Hopefully that will be about once a quarter.

3) Attend the Temple 12 times in 2012. 
I feel I will only be eligible for the monthly drawing if I attended the Temple that month.

I'm going to attend the temple 12 times in 2012. 
I'm going to read the 3.5 of the standard works in 2012 (all but the old testament).
I'm going to do the weight loss challenge. 

1.       WEIGHT LOSS: To have lost 12% of my 1/1/2012 weight by 12/12/12.

2.       PRAY VERSE EAT: My version of Eat Pray Love. I too frequently forget to pray and study the scriptures, but I never ever forget to eat. Hence, at least 250 times in 2012, will pray and read at least one verse of scripture before a morsel of food crosses my lips that day.

3.       CREATIVE PROJECT(S): In 2012, I will have accomplished at least one of the following (preferably all): a) held a staged reading of a new, original, non-Liken musical; b) completed production of a non-Liken, low-budget feature film; c) mounted a stage production of a Liken. 

4.       FITNESS: By 12/12/12, I will have completed at least 175 exercise sessions (which can be interpreted liberally, from joining Suzanne on a dog walk to mowing the lawn or blowing snow, but should last at least a half hour).

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