Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Beginning to sort all the collected items!


In order for Davis to receive his Eagle Scout Award he had to complete a special project. A lot of work goes into this. First you must submit the project, get approval, execute it and then summarize the results.
Davis planned to ask families and businesses in the area to donate items for a community sale and with that money purchase school supplies for an orphanage and have them shipped there. This orphanage, Corner of Heaven Orphanage or (Foyer Coin des Cieux Orphanage) was one that had been identified by Ken on a recent visit to Haiti).
The collection of items took several weeks and a lot of storage space!
During the process, a massive earthquake hit Haiti and because the infrastructure was destroyed, it would prevent them from mailing any supplies to Haiti so he altered his project to replacing the beds in the orphanage. The beds for the children were in very poor condition even before the earthquake, and needed to be replaced years ago. Moreover, the money could be wired to a wholesale supplier already in Haiti and the orphanage personnel could go get the beds and install them.
The sale was extremely successful and $1,935.50 was raised. His parents donated more to bring the total to $2,300. The Orphanage received 10 bunk beds with 20 mattresses. Well done Davis and all who helped out with this massive Eagle project.
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1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Davis on a job well done!!! I know Ken has great ties to Haiti, and it is wonderful that he is sharing the passion on helping others with his family.
