Friday, October 14, 2016


What is a white coat ceremony you ask? Well Suzanne will explain it in the following article.

Last weekend, Dennis and I drove to Glendale Arizona to watch Spencer, Danielle’s husband, participate in his med school’s white coat ceremony. This ceremony commemorates the student’s entering their "professional student” phase of life. We arrived on Thursday evening and it was lovely to see Danielle and Spencer again. Spencer’s mom and dad, Allison and Gordon, had already arrived and his sister Caroline flew in later that evening. Spencer has a wonderful family and we so enjoyed seeing them again. We spent Thursday evening just visiting and catching up. Friday morning found us up and going nice and early as we had to be to the university by 9am in order to get seats and for Spencer to find his designated spot for the ceremony. It was a lovely occasion. The dean of the college gave a great speech about the significance of the white coat ceremony and what we, as family members could do to help and support our students. Danielle already has this part hands down!
We then watched as the student went onto the stage, their name was announced and their white coat was placed on them. After all the names were read, the students were asked to stand and read the Oath of commitment. 

This starts their med school experience and upon graduation is when they will recite the Hippocratic Oath. The ceremony was bought to a close and we met up with Spencer, white coat and all, and were able to take some lovely photos. 

Danielle was so proud of him, as she should be.

 Another view of the campus.

Photos of the 2 of them, photos with his family, photos with the whole group. It was a well documented occasion!! By the time we left the auditorium it was 95F outside but we still had a quick tour of the campus. Midwestern University is a beautiful campus. The architecture and the landscaping is southwestern and very attractive. They have so many amenities for the students, including a recreation center, a library, an inter faith chapel, counseling services and even the opportunity to interact with therapy dogs!! This would be such a distraction for me!!! We were able to go into one of Spencer’s classrooms and look around but the students had been told in no uncertain terms, before the day, that there would be no tours or accessibility to the cadaver lab!! Probably for the best.

We went out to lunch to celebrate Spencer and then spent the rest of the day just relaxing and visiting. Saturday we ran errands with Danielle and went shopping. Spencer had to study as he had 3 tests the following week but he did join us for lunch and then again for some pool time in the late afternoon. In the evening we just gathered for dinner, a movie and more visiting. We said goodbye to everyone at the end of the evening as Dennis and I would be leaving first thing in the morning and Spencer and Danielle had other responsibilities on Sunday. Goodbyes are never easy but we were so happy to see how well both Spencer and Danielle are doing. How well they organize their time and their schedules, adjusting to a new home, a new state, new jobs and school and a new marriage. Well done guys, we are so incredibly proud of you both.

As is this Grandma!

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