Tuesday, January 10, 2012

As many of you know, Scott has been having quite a health battle for many weeks, but it looks like he is on the mend - finally.  I asked Julie to write us a littl about it and here's what she wrote.

 In early November Scott started not feeling well and was having problems with his feet - they were swollen and red.   He had just started a new job with the Pro Co-op here in Rolfe and had been dealing with the sickness and pain.  After a couple of weeks - (he has a mean wife & we don't have insurance so running to the doctor was the last resort) - he wasn't getting any better and after a discussion with a doctor he was told to get  to an emergency room soon.   At this point he was having a really hard time walking and his feet were red and swollen.

When he was admitted to the ER his temperature was over 104° and his white cell count was 24,000 - normal range is 5,000 - 10,000.  They took x-rays of his chest and feet and it was decided that the swelling in his feet was due to an infection.  He had pneumonia and was admitted to the hospital for 3 nights.

For the last month and a half he has been battling an infection by taking a very strong prescription and staying off of his feet as much as possible.  He has had numerous tests and x-rays to find out why he wasn't been able to get back to normal.  Fortunately it has been decided that his sickness was due to a severe infection and it was thought this problem was affecting his feet.

Run Forest (aka Scott), Run
Finally last week his went to his foot doctor for another appointment and at that time his regular foot doctor told him that he has Charcot, which means he has lots of fractures in the bones of his feet.  Scott is now known as Forrest Gump and is in double boots and has to stay off of his feet as much as possible.   Healing will hopefully only take a couple of months.

It is unfortunate that  he had two severe problems at that same time which I think made the diagnosis slow but Scott is now getting better.   It has been a tough & expensive couple of months but hopefully things will start moving in the right direction. 
I have been  blessed with an amazing Mom & Dad who have helped us out so much and Ruth who is there for me at the drop of a hat to listen to my problems or help out with anything and a family that helps and keeps us in their prayers.   We are also so lucky that the Co-op continues to allow Scott to work even though he hasn't completed his probation period and that I have been able to work more hours with the post office and I continue to work on E-bay when I have time.

Well, there you have folks.  We are all so grateful that Scott is feeling and doing better. 

Basically these are "heel" walkers.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear things are slowly, but surely, getting better. Wishing you both the best. xxx
