Sunday, January 1, 2012


Here is the final (I think) group entering the 12 in 12 Contest.  Let the games begin!
Contestants: Let me know if I have errors or need to make adjustments.

(May I suggest to the contestants that they mark a daily calendar of their progress on each goal- or have some other way of keeping measurable track of your goal.) 

1. I will give up sodas.
2. I will read my scriptures everyday.

1. Lose 12% body weight
2. Run a marathon
3. Learn to sew something to wear, and wear it in public

1. Lose 12% body weight
2. Read the Book of Mormon
3. Exercise 3 times a week
4. Put a website up for our store

1. I will lose 20lbs. through regular exercise, monitoring food intake, and meditation.
2. I will complete my first novel and send it out.
3. I will learn to remember names better by learning the name of everyone in my ward.
4. I take two family vacations this year. (Zion's Camping and Disneyland)

1. Work 15 minutes on my thesis everyday
2. Read three books that are not school or work related
3. Do my physical therapy exercises at least 4 times a week

1. Finish my album (8 songs)
2. Go big foot hunting(this is not a joke)
3. Read the book of Mormon
4. Learn to absail & learn to use our camera

1. Write every other day.
2. Practice martial arts daily.
3. Read at least 4 spiritual works.
4. Design and build a prototype of my fountains.

1. 24 chapters books in a year
2. Run a lap a day

1. WEIGHT LOSS: To have lost 12% of my 1/1/2012 weight by 12/12/12. (Monthly goals of 1% by the 12th of each month.)
2. PRAY VERSE EAT: My version of Eat Pray Love. I too frequently forget to pray and study the scriptures, but I never ever forget to eat. Hence, at least 250 times in 2012, I will pray and read at least one verse of scripture before a morsel of food crosses my lips that day. (Monthly goal of at least 20 times each month.)
3. BLOGGERY: In 2012, I will post a new entry to one of my blogs at least once each week.
4. FITNESS: By 12/12/12, I along with Dennis Agle Sr. will have complete at least 250 combined Tai-Chi sessions. The rest of the world can take comfort in knowing that a Dennis Agle somewhere in the world is likely doing Tai-Chi on pretty much any given day. (Monthly goal of at least 20 times each month.)(If we reach the goal in any given month, only one of us will enter the monthly contest. Should that one win, we will split the "Grant").

1. Lose 12% of body weight
2. 12 times in year temple attendance
3. Change a 1,000 diapers in a year

1. Eat vegetarian breadfast, lunch and dinner one day per week.
2. Lose 11 pounds
3. Workout 156 times this year (3 days per week)
4. Cook dinner 24 times this year.
1. Take the 12% in 12 months weight loss challenge.
2. Do a scrapbook of the 2011 Agle Family Reunion and complete 3 UFOs (quilt projects.
3. Attend the Temple 12 times in 2012.
4. Read the RS Daughters in My Kingdom (cover to cover), and all 12 issues of the Ensign (every article).

1. To lose 12% of my body weight by 12/12/12.
2. I, along with Dennis Agle jr. will complete at least 250 combined Tai-Chi sessions. The rest of the world can take comfort in knowing that a Dennis Agle somewhere in the world is likely doing Tai-Chi on pretty much any given day. (Monthly goal of at least 20 times each month.)(If we reach the goal in any given month, only one of us will enter the monthly contest. Should that one win, we will split the "Grant").
3. To attend the temple at least 12 times by 12/12/12.
4. To read the Book of Mormon and the Pearl of Great Price, along with the Institute manual by 12/12/12.

1. Attend the temple 24 times by 12.12.12.
2. Scrapbook 8 pages per month by 12.12.12.
3. Exercise/stretch 5 times per week.
4. One Book of Mormon chapter per day and 2 personal prayers.

1. Blog 52 times this year
2. Spend an hour a week planning for the next week
3. Read personal scriptures at least 4 times a week
4. Get a new job that I like and be outgoing at school and church to make new friends.

1. I'm going to attend the temple 12 times in 2012.
2. I'm going to read the 3.5 of the standard works in 2012 (all but the old testament).
3. I'm going to do the weight loss challenge.

1. Floss every day.
2. Bench press my body weight by end of year.
3. Learn to paddle board
4. Lose 10 pounds by end of year.

1. Learn how to bake a cake
2. Learn how to braid hair
3. Learn how to make a paper bird origami style

1. Attend the temple 12 times by 12.12.12
2. Try and make 2 recipes each month
3. Scrapbook 12 pages by 12.12.12
4. Read 12 books by 12.12.12

1. Attend the temple 12 times by 12.12.12
2. Practice Spanish (via Rosetta Stone, Robert, etc) 8 hours per month (2 hours per week)
3. Complete Book of Mormon in 2012 (44 pages per month)
4. Do not want to lose 12% weight - workout consistently to get six pack. Complete Insanity.

1. Will run at least seven miles a week for the next year.

1. Count to 100
2. Color 5 pictures a week

1. I will write or draw every day.
2. I will work out every other day.
3. I will get to school on time every day

1. work all semester to make honor roll
2. Do an act of service each month.

1. Practice piano 5 times a week
2. Read 10 pages of Book of Mormon a week
3. Run 2 miles a week
4. practice sport 5 days a week

1. Lose 12% body weight
2. Read the book of Mormon
3. Exerciese 3 times a week
4. Draw/paint 2 pictures

1. Take the 12% in 12 months weight loss challenge.
2. Attend the Temple 12 times in 2012
3. Do the family history research and have 12 Family names receive Temple Ordinances in 2012
4. Read 12 books in 2012 two of which will be religious

1. My primary goal will be to lose at least 12% of my body weight by Dec.12, 2012

1. Become a Life Scout by the end of the year.
2. Earn 6 more Eagle reuired merit badges.
3. Cook a family meal 12 times this year.

1. I will be ready for school on time every morning (not necessarily there on time, something might come up. Just for me to be ready to leave before we need to go.
2. I will write something (in a novel, piano music, or maybe even drawing something) five out of seven days of every week.

1. Attend the temple twice a month, once for temple work and once to work in my favorite place, the laundry room.
2. Read one book a month.
3. Redo our wedding album. The original fell apart at the beginning of last year!
4. Redecorate my bathroom, the laundry room and Kate's bedroom.

1. Do an act of service each month.
2. Work all semester to make honor roll

1. Attend the temple 12 times throughout he year and be on time to church at least 35 weeks of the 52 in the year
2. Read the Book of Mormon to finish by the end of 2012
3. Have FHE 24 times this year- preferably 2 times a month
4. Learn to make 12 new meals together

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