Thursday, January 8, 2015


When you get home from your mission you either go back to school or you take a break from that and get a job which is what Aria did. She is in sales, and is paid a salary and commission. She has an opportunity to use her Spanish on occasion and that's a good thing.

Now when you have a job, you have to be able to get to work. The folk's cars are pretty much tied up with getting them to work, and all the kids to their school activities.

It's time to get a car! Off Aria and Ken went to the same guy who Ken worked with on his new car. A few hours later, Aria had her new(ish) car and it is really nice.

It's a 2011Subaru Legacy and she has a name, Elle.

A girl and her car. It's a beautiful thing!

And here's a fun video that they made while waiting to make the deal. If this doesn't evoke some "comments" I don't know what will!


  1. Now there's a talent hidden too long from this earth!

  2. That is so funny!!! we were laughing hard at this video! Love it!

  3. You have to admit it is pretty funny and unique! That is a real talent!
