Saturday, August 10, 2013


Here's an update on Hermana Agle. You can read the whole delightful epistle on her Facebook page which Ken is administering while she is on her mission. It's delightful to read. If you are interested, just type in Aria Agle and it should take you there. Here's a couple of excerpts from that letter.

I received the package, and I have to say I am AMAZED! It got here so fast and I was so surprised! It actually made my day, I was tickled all day. I hope it showed, because I really am so happy!! I loved everything inside and have already used most of its contents, if not all. Especially Tigger, I missed my Tigger and cuddled him and thought of you all at my favorite place on Earth.  

Oh and I am so glad to hear that Grandpa is doing better, how I wish I could see him! But I know he would want me here no matter what. I just love him so much! 

Your office looks amazing by the way, so beautiful and warm. I like that you know, warm (wonder where I get that from) Do you guys have more options for eating? Is it all decorated? How does it feel? 
 Ken's office.
The view out of his office. That's the new Provo Temple being constructed. Formerly the Provo Tabernacle that had a fire a couple of years ago.

See the "Evita" balcony? That's it.

Oh Hermana Zuñiga is not in my companionship, however she was with me in the CCM. You guys would love her!! She is one of the people you meet in your life and you just have that connection you know? I love connections like that. I think they are so special. We live with another companionship in my pension. It is Hermana Braun and I, and Hermana Zuñiga and Hermana Diaz.  Oh and Hna Zuñiga and I have plans to live in Germany, so I can find Deiter´s grandson. Hope you approve Dad! 

This past week I had intercambios otherwise known as splits. I went to my trainer Hermana DeYoung´s area and was able to learn so much! But, this is the funny-ish story. We were planning after the day, and all the sudden this absolutely, now when I say giant I mean GIANT fly, came zooming and swooping at us. Naturally, being the Hermana´s we are, we screamed and ran for cover. Finally, I decided to muster up some bravery from within me, and smash the giant fly with my boot, we chased it around squealing..and finally BAM!
 I killed it. I began to take my boot to the bathroom to dispose of the mutilated beast, when all the was ALIVE! It flew off my boot and we screamed and ran away. Honestly I have no idea how it was alive. I really did smash it! We died laughing, probably had to be there but yeah. Just goes to show, even though I am a missionary, I still have fears. Hopefully, being on the Lord´s errand means I can be protected from giant 9 lives flies, otherwise..well you know. 

Also I find it so amazing how laughter can just bring people together, what a gift it is to laugh! And we all have it, even though we have different ideas of what humor is, we all have this great ability to find joy. And I think the more we look for things to laugh and find joy in, the more we will find them! It´s like the whole Dory and Marlin thing, half full, and half empty whale. It all depends on how perspective. Perspective is so powerful, and I truly believe when we have that divine perspective, we can overcome anything and everything. When we remember our purpose, who we are, and that God has provided us a way to find the light. When we are in the darkest, bleakest part of night, we need to remember that hope is like that beam of sunshine that rises up and above the horizon. And lucky for us, we know that night will never overcome the light. How I love this light  guess that is why, I love the sun so very much.

Con Amor,
Hermana Agle

(There's more on her Facebook page)

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the scarf with the pom-poms!

    Hermana Agle has such a beautiful spirit. Truly.

