Sunday, October 7, 2012


Twice a year the LDS church has a conference where we get to hear from many of our church leaders. It is something that we all look forward to. If you can't make it to Salt Lake City, it is available on most TVs.

Here's what Rhiannon wrote: (the pictures are priceless)

I learned from Will & Kate's Royal Wedding I could get my boys to watch anything as long as there was food.

To that end I planned this year to have them watch both Sunday sessions in their entirety. We had the kids play conference bingo which was based on gospel topics when someone got bingo we would hand out a treat/food. We also made conference train every apostle had a train car with their picture, a blank tie that you would color to match the tie they were wearing, and a place to summarize their talk. We made caramel apples that they couldn't wait till someone got bingo so we could eat them. We plan on going over everyones report/notes at FHE tomorrow night. All in all it was a good conference and the best was the kids counting down the minutes till the next session--they were that excited! We weren't able to watch much of the Saturday sessions due to football games but we did see the age lowering for missionary service and that Tucson, AZ was getting a temple both very surprising and happy news!

 Conference Train
 Yummy Carmel Apples

Archer ready for the opening prayer

One happy baby!

Papa paying careful attention.


  1. I'm gonna talk to Suzanne about implementing some of these plans for next conference. Thanks for the ideas!

  2. Every time I see our Prophet around Halloween my ideas for Pumpkin decorations increase mightily. It was a great two days. Wonderful ideas Rhiannon.
