Friday, August 3, 2012


Have you ever wondered where all those "sets" from the Liken series go after the shoot? Well some probably disappear, some are tossed, some given to other projects, but the good stuff goes into a storage facility. On occasion, something is needed and it is usually Ken who goes searching.  Searching can involve climbing over boxes of costumes, plants, ships, . . .well you get the picture.

Recently Ken was doing that very thing, climbing over whatever when he fell and nearly broke his leg. I know it is hard to believe that he is vincible (I know that vincible is not really a word, but I was looking for the opposite of invincible which is: too powerful to be beaten or overcome) . He worried for a bit that it might be broken but after awhile he decided it "probably" wasn't. He hobbled around for awhile and then the next day went on a hike with his sons. In retrospect, he thinks that might not have been the smartest thing to do. 

The leg was still giving him concern a couple of weeks later, so he made an appointment with Aria's former coach and trainer who has a great facility. Long story short, he said he probably crushed some cartilage but didn't tear anything. He has some exercises to do and is wearing a brace and is supposed to ice it every night.

We're all grateful that he lives to fight another day! (Ken, correct, me if I didn't get the story quite right..Mom) 

Doesn't look like the best base to go hiking on with a bum leg.


  1. I must say that today I'm feeling remarkably better. Not sure what happened, but maybe all I needed was 14 days to heal.

  2. A lesser man WOULD have broken his leg! Luckily, us Agle's have GREAT BONES!!

    What a hero!


  3. P.S. Nice legs!

