Monday, February 21, 2011


Let the games begin. Every weekend Aria will be playing softball. She's a force to be reckoned with! Ken was able to attend some games this weekend in Midland, Texas since he was in the state on business.

Here's what he had to say: "It was a good tourney. Aria hit well probably going 500 over the 5 games I saw (7 for 14 hitting). She wants to pitch, but they seem to want her more in Center. The coach did tell her on the bus ride home that she would have her pitch this next weekend. She is recovering from a jammed finger, which affects her throwing, but she really wants to pitch, which is great because a little while ago (before they started playing), she wasn't sure she wanted to pitch and seemed happy about playing center. I think once the games started she realized that pitching is a lot more engaging (not that being center field isn't without its challenges) and is first an active/reactive position rather than center, which is a reactive/active position. We Agles are active/reactive people I think.
But the best part was I got to spend dinner with her and we had a great talk about life and the like. It was good for both of us. I think she needed it. Anyway, good times."

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that is bad form hahaha. But thank you Daddy :) it was positively amazing spending time with you.
