Saturday, February 26, 2011


Scott and Julie have had a trumatic "animal" week. First their cat, Turbo (a seasoned, smart cat who is an extremly good hunter) went missing. He didn't come home at evening time, so after looking for him and not being successful, they had to give up for the night. The next day Julie tried again and began to think he might have been caught in a neighbors trap. (They have a neighbor that likes to trap squirrels, possums, etc.) Sure enough, she found him the next day. Thank goodness it was a live trap. Poor little Turbo though had to spend a very, very cold night in the trap. Julie thinks he chased a rabbit into and got caught himself. No sign of the rabbit (probably nourished Turbo though the night!!!) He was a little worse for the wear, but hopefully will be a wiser hunter from now on.

The next event was trying to get Toby, their dog to come in for the night. They couldn't find him so Julie went looking and just as she saw him about to get a SKUNK, the skunk sprayed him and not only did the dog get it, but Julie as well. She said it is amazing how far that spray can travel. It was so cold they had no choice but to bring Toby in the house to bathe him. They tried peroxide and baking soda, tomato juice, and Listerine. They had to burn Julie's clothes and Scott's clothes that he had on while bathing Toby plus the towels that they used. The house still stinks she tells me even though they tried to keep it to just the downstairs bathroom and bedroom. They have confined Toby to the downstairs bedroom until he smells better, but Scott felt so badly for the dog that he spent the night down there with him so Toby wouldn't be lonely. That's true love.

It will be interesting to see if those animals learned anything from the experience.

Toby in happier summer days playing in the river that runs through their property.

The skunk's cousin.

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