Thursday, January 6, 2011


I asked Aria if she would write a little blurb about life in college to share with the family. She's been home for Christmas break and will be hitting the books again soon.

College has been a fun and also growing experience. I believe you will find me more grown up than I was before (I even do my own laundry now). I truly feel like I was meant to go out to good ol Nebraska. Softball has been good to me. I am known as a "Princess" because I am a pitcher, and Coach Winn says "all pitchers are princesses." However it isn't always easy with early morning workouts and study hall. I enjoy my classes, though I believe I may change my major. I lately have fancied the idea of becoming a teacher, but the florist idea is still there.

College dorm life is nice, although it reminds me a bit of high school. Everyone knows everything. But it's fun.

I've had a lot of missionary experiences. I found that people truly are interested in the gospel and I can really be an instrument. I've learned much about my testimony and what I really believe in. I am especially grateful to my parents who taught me well, and to my grandparents who taught them. :)

As for friends, my best friend is definitely Preston, also my boyfriend. He was a senior when I was a freshmen at Springville High. I only really knew him for basketball and the picture of him shooting that's hanging up in the hall of the high school. Then he went on a mission to Chile, came back went to Utah state. I graduated high school, he red shirted and we both went to Western Nebraska Community College. Guess you have to go out of state to meet someone from the same town as you. But he's awesome and we get along really well. He's practically my opposite in lots of ways. He acts like he's 40 whereas I'm still a 12 year old,
(that's why I put those pictures in of "young" Aria - Grandma) guess together we make an average aged person. I'll have to tell you more about him sometime.

I have something called a dorm family. It's like a home away from home. Families sign up and each player gets to be their "dorm kid" and you can choose whether to be more involved with them or not. Personally I go over to their house lots, as well as the activities the kids are involved in, such as sports. My family is the Schwartz they have three kids and I love them very much. They're wonderful people. I've missed my family lots. It's hard sometimes, especially leaving my siblings. It'll be okay though, I'll try to excel at school and softball.That's about it though :) If you want to know anything more I'd be happy to oblige!! Love you guys :) Aria

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