Tuesday, May 27, 2014


When you live in Iowa, you have corn (and pumpkins). Where you have corn you have crows. Where you have crows you need a Scarecrow, or Scarecrowess (that's a lady scarecrow!). Here's what the Lancaster's did. Julie writes:

I wanted a scarecrow for our pumpkin patch and after searching I found a tin woman.  I really liked the idea so off to the recycling Scott and I went to find cans. 

The base is metal sheeting off of our shed in the back, the garbage can has been in our garage and then her face, Jell-O tins, and other items were either in the attic or the garage.

In just a couple of hours we put this girl together and now she has a prime spot in the back garden.  Now all she needs is a name and a little weathering! (send your suggestions to Julie)
 One good looking tin lady!

 Ready for her closeup!

 She's ready to scare off the birds.

Love the curls.


  1. Tin Lizzie is my vote! So cute I love it!

  2. Tin Lizzie it is! Love it and your blog - Julie
