Thursday, April 24, 2014


It's Daren's birthday today and Daren and Katie are at a crossroads in their lives. We wish him many happy returns as he begins his 28th year.

Here's what's going on with Katie and Daren.

Katie writes:

Daren took the GRE on Saturday which is the test he has to take to go to Graduate school. He studied for so hard and for so long, and it paid off because his score was above what he needed to apply for a school in Virginia. 

About Virginia: There is a school there called Virginia Commonwealth University in the heart of Richmond. Daren is really interested in their advertising program there. The degree is a Masters of Advertising which is what he has been looking for. Their program is called "The Brandcenter" which has 5 focuses to choose from. The focus Daren is applying for is Creative Brand Management, which would teach him the 'business' of having a creative job. The career that would lead out of this program one day is a chief marketing operator, which handles the creative decisions of a company. This school has a great reputation for getting their graduates into good careers, so we are keeping our fingers crossed! The application is due in May, but Daren is hoping to be done by the end of March for early consideration.

As for me, nothing has changed too much. I decided my last day at work is going to be the 3rd week of June. We are supposed to be out of our apartment here in Midvale by June 30, so that will give me a week to get everything packed up and sorted. I will be sad to leave my job because I have made 2 great friends there (Lisa and Jessica), but it will be nice to get out of such a high-stress environment, and one where people aren't too nice. I think I will keep in touch with Lisa and Jessica even after I leave, so hopefully it wont be too hard of a goodbye. I'm not sure of what I will do after, but I am keeping my eyes open and looking for something closer to Springville area so that I can have something to do over the summer while we wait to hear about Virginia.

Anyway Grandmama, I just wanted to fill you in on what we are doing at the moment. Hope everything is well with you. I think of you very often, as well as Grandpa. I wear my Agle Family Reunion shirt from this past summer when I can, as it brings back happy memories. I miss you both very much!

Love you lots,
Katie xx

We'll all keep our fingers crossed for good news.

1 comment:

  1. If you need an out of the way place to stay on the way to Virginia you are welcome to come to Rolfe, Iowa! Happy Birthday, Daren! Julie
