Friday, November 1, 2013


I made it just in time!

Coppelia writes: The church had its annual Halloween carnival last night. All the older kids run booths with games and entertainments for the younger ones. Ken was fantastic at the cake walk. Steven and his friend Sarah are good at art so they worked the face painting booth. Nathan got a new look from his brother. I loved it.

January and Bob went to a friend's annual pumpkin display. 

 The little Sanders girls were quite the trio.

 Ryan went as Superman and check out the time when he was younger doing the same gig.
 Here's a hint! T & L
 A bloody bananna! (Nate)

 She looks similar to Nathan Agle.
 Apparently Lindsey had many events to attend.

 Pumpkin carving time.
And from Arizona, Rhiannon writes:
We had a ward party on Wednesday then Halloween on Thursday so everyone got to be two different things. Archy really wanted to be a zombie football player I don't know where he got that idea but he was happy to wear McCoy's football jersey. McCoy was a Mohawked vampire, he has been sporting a Mohawk for a couple weeks now. 

 Eddy dressed up for school as a zombie teacher. I bought a kit at Walmart to do the makeup and it even had latex that you put on and peeled off. It was a little scary for some kids to see, but his third graders handled it.

 Archy wanted to be ironman but I really wanted him to be a gnome so he thought he was putting on a ironman costume when he realized he wasn't he was not happy 

Unhappy camper :-(

  On Halloween night we ate pumpkin chili with Fritos and then went trick or treating in our neighborhood. Quinton-grim reaper, Declan-red phantom from Avatar, McCoy-pirate, Archer-garden gnome, Zaynzley-flower. We walked so the kids can go as long as they like but not every house gives out candy so it makes for a bit of a hike. Eddy and the two younger kids quit after an hour but Declan and McCoy wanted to keep going so Ashlee and I went with them (she had her gps so found out we walked three miles). Quinton went with us for an hour then he went with his friends. When we were done we had a fire in the backyard and gorged ourselves on candy while watching an outdoor Halloween movie. Since we stayed up so late and it was Friday the kids stayed home from school poor Declan got a stomach bug. 

And back in Springville . . .


1 comment:

  1. SO MANY fun Halloween stories! And what GREAT photo ops! Kenny doesn't look insane at all *cough*.

    It's good to know that there are so many happy childhoods in the making, and at the very least memories. Archy: "Remember that time I wanted to be Ironman and you put me in that GNOME costume instead?! Ha ha ha!"

    See? He'll be laughing about it years from now.

    LOVE Eddy's zombie make up and all the excellent pumpkin carvings!

    Best time of year EVAH!

