Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Right now we're in the Los Angeles airport waiting to get our tickets to go to South Korea.

This far I've spent my time mostly sleeping, since I hadn't gone to bed before going on this trip, but now I'm well rested and ready.

My plane won't be leaving until until around 1:40, so I'll be here for a bit longer.

New Day: Hello everyone, I've just arrived in Korea, and it's 7:32 PM currently. Right now I'm in a bus which I'll be in for the next 4-5 hours. The plane ride was tiring, but I spent it watching movies most of the time.

I've met up with some of the other haidong gumdo people. They are great guys and it's been fun to look at the scenery and talk.
9:22 PM: It's dark now, and it gets darker much earlier than in Utah, and when I'm outside I feel as if I had just walked out of a shower.

Anyway, we got to our hotel, the Dragon Villa Hotel at around 11:04, and now I'm fairly tired from the traveling. Tomorrow's a leisure day, so I think I'll be sight seeing talk to you all tomorrow, Davis
New Day:
Today I got up at 5:45 so we could go train early this morning. This was followed by a buffet like breakfast. I'll be training more today, but I've gotten a brief break before that, so I decided to send an email update. 

The most impressive thing over here is the llook of the landscape, which is absolutely magnificent. The mountains are covered with fantastic trees and there's a magical mist in the morning. However, the sounds are pretty much the same: roosters crowing, singing song birds, water rolling, and people talking. I'll send a photo of the landscape later on. 

Today after lunch we went to Water park called Peak Water Park. It was mostly inside with a wave pool (too small for me to use) a few slides, some saunas, a,"bide" pool (a bunch of massage water things) and a bunch if themed hot tubs (all of the themes were plant based: cherry, lemon, and such).

I spent 3 hours there and met some members of the Mexican Haidong Gumdo team, before coming home exhausted. As such, I ate my dinner and apparently collapsed into sleep upon reaching my room.
This is a bridge I crossed yesterday.

This is the hotel where I'm staying which is also a ski resort.

Good view of the hotel. I trained in a nearby room.

My dinner.

My hotel room.

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