Saturday, June 1, 2013


Sophie had a special event today. Her baptism.
Her invitation.

 With her friends.

 Friends and family.

Nana and Granddad made it up from Mexico.

Here's what her Aunt Suzanne had to say:

I just have to say that Sophie's baptism was wonderful. Sophie was so "on top" of the whole event and knew exactly what she was doing and why she was doing it. Probably though the most impressive part for me, at least was the fact that Davis performed the baptism! He was impressive and the way he handled it just said "future missionary". Fun morning for us all.


  1. What a special day and a beautiful group! Congrats and Happy Birthday you, Julie

  2. JUST when you think our Sophie couldn't get any stinking cuter, there she goes! That baptism announcement photo is to die for, a treasure in itself! Little girls! So much fun! It's a shame Adam wouldn't let me dress him up...

    Congrats, Sophie on your special day!

    Aunt Ruth
