Friday, May 31, 2013


Remember those strange people I posted about awhile back? Well the race is over and we can now reveal who they were and why they were dressed that interesting way.

Erik, Kristin a couple of friends plus Ryan, now that he is old enough, participated in the R O C race; translated as the Ridiculous Obstacle Contest which is kind of a cross between a race and something similar to "Wipe Out". No pictures of the middle of the race, but here are some taken at the beginning and the end.

 I think that is Ryan sailing through

 Others were not so lucky



 Boo Hoo

 High five. Well done.

Come give wet, chilly me a hug.

 Some welcome refreshment.

Yes, it's true. I'm one good-looking dude. 

What can I say?

1 comment:

  1. OHMYHECK, I would have LOVED to have been there! I'm sure I would have SAILED through, just as I sail through Wipeout (in my mind), bounding with ease across ALL FOUR BIG BALLS!! GRABBING that $500 little Balsy with his RIDICULOUS outfit.


    How fun that someone put on an event like this. Wonderful!

