Thursday, November 11, 2010


It seems our family has covered quite a bit of the USA this past week or so. If you throw in Ashlee, it makes it world-wide.

Here's a list:
Ashlee is in Wellington, New Zealand
Danielle is loving living and serving in Bedford, New Hampshire
Adam went with a friend's family to The Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota
Ken is in Minneapolis, Minnesota - Next week it's New Jersey
Scott was in Phoenix, Arizona closing up an office for his company. He is driving back with a truck load of computers, desks, etc. Should be home Friday.
Kristin was in Indiana visiting family. (More of that very soon).


  1. I've been in Provo several times this week. How's that?

  2. Yes, next week I'm coast to coast with time spent in Jurr-zee and So Cal.
