Wednesday, November 10, 2010



Some of you may not know that Ken & Coppelia have added another daughter to their family. Mayra (pronounced My-rah) used to live in the house behind theirs. When her parents divorced and moved away, the Agle's wanted to provide a more stable home for Mayra, so they made their home available for her. She is a little younger than Aria but they are good friends. They bunked together in Aria's room until Aria left for college and now Mayra is the keeper of the flame.

Ken says: " Mayra has an amazing flair for style and adds so much of that flair to our home. Without question, the women of the house have much better nails. She is a Junior in High School with Davis going to Springville and Mayra going to Maple Mountain, they have a little rivalry, but the two get along very well. She recently got a pet to add to our small zoo, a turtle."

Welcome to the family, Mayra.
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  1. It is great to meet a new addition to the family, and great kudoes to Mom for keeping us all in the loop, without this blog I would not not much of what goes on in our great extended family. Thanks!!!

  2. Thank you Carol. I'm so glad you find it informative. That's the purpose. I'm trying to figure out how to put a "counter" on the site so I'll know how many hits I'm getting. I think Dennis or Sashy are going to help me with it this weekend since I can't seem to figure it out by myself. Goodness knows I've tried. They'll probably get it to work in a flash!
