Saturday, March 28, 2015


Just before Ken left for Arizona, he put the finishing touches on the re-modeled downstairs bathroom. It turned out really nice.
An overall view of the new bathroom. A new wall and door was added so the bathroom can be used by more than one person at a time. Note the wainscotting and paneling board.

A new wood floor was added and as a decorative touch, Ken put in some tiles for interest sake.

 This cabinet was re-painted and re-purposed.

 He found some nice art work that complemented beautifully.

 A new mirror with shelves was added over the new toliet.

 Putting the finishing touches on.

 Adding a door stop.

 Another door stop.

 New clock, towel rack and lights.

 New double sink to replace the single sink. The plumbing proved to be "CHALLENGING"!

 Self closing drawers.

 Nice how they are just below the sink, but still able to have drawers.

 Me getting a shot of the new mirrow.

Nice job Ken. Those boys better take good care of it.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Ken - when you are done thinking of projects for your house I can think of a few that need to get done in IOWA!! Think summer family vacation......Julie
