Sunday, March 29, 2015


On Saturday, March 28th we said our final good byes to Uncle Bill. It was a lovely service and well attended. For those of you who couldn't make it, here are some great pictures.

I'm happy to say that even though they haven't lived in the ward for over 5 years, it was well attended by several ward members.

 Two wonderful nephews, Mike Black and Shawn Price.

 Jerry and Nala Bird talking to Billy Rice and Carolynn (and yes, that braid is all hers and it goes on for several more inches!)

 Ken Rice talking to Maui and Kara Chai.

 A little fuzzy, but the only one I have a Beki.
(oops, that's not true - check one of the last pixs)

 Heidi Rice (Ken's former) and Debra Rice, Billy's wife.

 Maui, Suzanne and Shawn.

 Jerry and Nala talking to Kara.

Billy Rice and his wife and four sons. Really nice young me. Notice the photo bomb in the back!

Bill enlisted in the Navy in 1944 and served on a ship in the Pacific. They had a color guard there who gave a 21 gun salute and presented Bill II with the flag. 

Saturday, March 28, 2015


Just before Ken left for Arizona, he put the finishing touches on the re-modeled downstairs bathroom. It turned out really nice.
An overall view of the new bathroom. A new wall and door was added so the bathroom can be used by more than one person at a time. Note the wainscotting and paneling board.

A new wood floor was added and as a decorative touch, Ken put in some tiles for interest sake.

 This cabinet was re-painted and re-purposed.

 He found some nice art work that complemented beautifully.

 A new mirror with shelves was added over the new toliet.

 Putting the finishing touches on.

 Adding a door stop.

 Another door stop.

 New clock, towel rack and lights.

 New double sink to replace the single sink. The plumbing proved to be "CHALLENGING"!

 Self closing drawers.

 Nice how they are just below the sink, but still able to have drawers.

 Me getting a shot of the new mirrow.

Nice job Ken. Those boys better take good care of it.

Friday, March 27, 2015


Ken had a business trip to Arizona, so the Germaines and Carltons met him in Tucson for a short visit and a nice dinner. Mini reunions are good!

 The lovely ladies, Carol and Ashlee. Rhiannon showing something to Quinton.

I think a few people switched places!

Counter clockwise, Carol, Rhiannon, McCoy, Quinton, Ashlee, Declan, Archer, Zany, Eddy.
(If you look closely you might find Ken in the picture as well!)

Where's Pa?

Monday, March 23, 2015


Last weekend I had a delightful experience. I went to see the Merit Academy Theater Department presentation of Hello, Dolly! Merit is the school that Steven and Nathan attend. It was a wonderful production. Great costumes. Clever set. Excellent timing. Good acting. All in all, a great production. 
The cast was very large and had two ensembles, the Blue Cast and the Red Cast. They alternated nights. Steven and Nathan were in the Red Cast with leading parts. On alternate night they were ensemble. Steven played Rudolfe, the head waiter (who gets to greet Dolly when she makes her big entrance/and Joe. Nathan plays Barnaby the side kick to Cornelius. They both did a really good job. Never went out of character and were always entertaining.
Here's a few pictures.

 Emerging from the basement where they have to spend most of their time working for Mr. Vandergelder.

 Asking if perchance they might get a day off!

Doing the happy dance!

You had to be there!

Some of the cast. Cute costumes.

Another "happy dance".

 The big Hello, Dolly scene.

 Ahhhh so tender.

 Grandma getting a hug from Steven.

 And one from Nathan.

 Mom with the two stars.

Dad with the two stars.

Friday, March 20, 2015


Yes, it is Spring in Springville. Just have a look!

 There's yellow . . .

 and pink .  .  .

 And more yellow.  .  .

 a closer look .  .  .

 and gold .  .  .  
 And close up . . . 

 and at the city buildings, popcorn popping on the apricot  trees

 Still some snow on Maple Mountain.

And a closer look .  .  .