Thursday, August 21, 2014


I'm b a a a a a a c k. What's been going on lately?  Ever since I found out that I needed to move, it seemed like a good time to go through my "STUFF" and weed it out, throw some things away, give some to Goodwill, D.I. and Salvation Army. You know, spread the joy. 

January came down for a week and we organized a garage sale. Erik and Travis, Nathan and Lindsey joined us. (Ryan had a Scout project to attend to and Kristen helped him out). The garage sale was a huge success, and what didn't sell, went home with Erik for Ryan's garage sale that he would hold in a few weeks to earn money for his Eagle project. (we were too busy to take pictures.) :-(

Then it was time to start packing. Boxes are almost impossible to find nowadays, so I bought some from U-Haul and began. A few boxes each day was my goal. As the time came closer to the move Kristin came over to help.

She tackled the garage first.
Wrapping some things to a peg board with zip ties.

 Wrapping walking sticks with a professional whrink wrap.
 A few hours later and it was done.
 Check out the empty shelves (waiting for Daren and Katie to dissamble in a few weeks.
All neatly organized.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah Mom is back!! Everyday I check and was thrilled to see a new post today. I am so proud of you - moving is a big job and I'm glad you had a lot of amazing help! Love you, Julie
