Saturday, September 21, 2013


Here's a short excerpt from Hermana Agle's last letter.

Four Hermanas
 I am so happy you got to see my  little brother off! He sounds like he is definitely doing hard. He really is so amazing. :) I am so proud of him! Gosh I am so proud of my family actually, you all do so much more than you realize! So keep on doing it, it is making a difference!

Oh this past Saturday we had this thing called Centro de Visitantes en la Capilla in Consistorial, which is the ward that our district leader is in. We four hermanas had to go to be tour guides throughout the church.

When we didn´t have anyone waiting for tours, we went out and brought people in who were passing by on the street on foot. Well, we had a group of about 4 young teenage boys (13-14 years old) who came in with their backwards hats and skateboards, but they stayed for the whole tour :)  When we were packing up, they kept coming back to shake hands with Hna Braun and me and finally, two of them came up to me and said, "Um, tia? (literally means aunt, but it basically means miss) Our friends wanted to tell you that they  think you're really cute, and want to know how old you are" Hermana Braun told them we were 21 and 22 and they started laughing and said "Ya perdimos!" (we´ve already lost) Hermana Braun  told them they lost back when they tried to start hitting on misioneras! I was just slightly baffled at their bravery hahaha. On the other hand Elder Frost was NOT happy, haha. Were we that obnoxious as 13-14 year olds? The answer is probably yes... haha.

And Davis has arrived at his mission area. Here's a few comments he made.
September 16, 2013—Week 3
Well, I got to my zone last Tuesday, and we were white washed and blue washed into the zone. I'm not sure if you use those terms but white is where neither of us were in the zone and blue is when we're going there to replace sisters (hermanas, in this case). So we arrived Tuesday, and it was late because we had to go to each area, drop off the multitude of luggage we had accrued from the voyage, and ours was the last. We are the northernmost zone in the Ventura District, specifically Paso Robles (2nd Ward). The hot season is ending, thankfully, because it was over 100 for a few days here, and it made the walking quite painful.

Anywho, my companion is Elder Crapo (French: pronounced like crepe-o) and he's a foreigner, specifically from Canada. He's been great, and we've been getting along quite well; no fights nor conflict thus far. I had a little cold during the week, which apparently got to Elder Crapo, but more on that later. He's a nice elder, shorter than I and he's a bit of a crazy driver, but he's been teaching me quite well (I think, at any rate) and I'm learning a lot. We talk about life and such and discuss various things like that.

Sunday church was great, though it's still 9 o’ clock like at home. I gave the opening prayer and my companion the closing, but there were 2 interesting things going on: a mission farewell for an elder going to North Carolina, and a talk given by the people whose house we live under (Loughmillers, have a fantastic basement den they converted into housing and it's great) which was on Grace. She talked about how by Grace we were all saved, but the reason we're instructed to be obedient is because it determines how comfortable we wish to be in God's presence and how great we wish our glory to be.

Anywho, we spent much of the day at the apartment, as Elder Crapo has come down with Strep and is quite susceptible to meds. The one dose resulted in some interesting things from him, but a 2 hour nap seemed to help.

Love ya so much, and thank you for your words of comfort. I'm so happy I ran into you at the airport, it was truly a kind blessing. I hope Sophie continues with her singing career and that it bears fruit.

I don't have any pictures from Davis, but Ken got to relax a bit this weekend by working on his Firepit Pagoda. Here's a few more pictures. He told me he has six more things to do and then it will be finished!
 Ceiling ready to be painted.

 Four posts are covered and the ceiling stripes have been painted red.

                   I can hardly wait to see it with my own eyes!

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