Sunday, November 11, 2012

On Halloween we went over to Erik & Kristin's to check out the kids costumes. Here's a few more she sent.
Kristin: I love the one of you guys with the sunset!

The box with the candy was our donation to
Operation Gratitude (where you send your halloween candy to the troops).

 I did let the kids keep 20 pieces each.
Since I've been AWOL for a few days, here's some pictures to just enoy.
Declan is pictured on the left in this picture with his two dear friends they happened to get on the same team.  They have had a really rough season and lost every game by a lot, 0-46 for example. This was their last game of the season and they FINALLY won 20-19. You should have seen the celebrating on the sidelines those little boys were so happy you might have thought they won the Superbowl.  Declan was so happy about to finally win!!
It's not too late for a few more Halloween pictures, is it?

And who is that scary, fierce, dragon? 
(I think Remmington might be under there).

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, LOVE the decorations!

    Candy to the troops!! Good time for that. Happy Veterans Day, all!

    Mom and Dad - you look WONDERFUL. Seeing you two makes me not mind growing old so much. You both have done it so well. LOVE YOU BOTH SO MUCH. Miss you!

    Can hardly wait to see you all!

