Saturday, August 25, 2012


Two of our granddaughters are headed for a couple of great experiences.  One heads West (Aria) and one heads East (Sashy).

Today we'll start with the West. I asked Aria if she was getting excited about the move and this is what she wrote:

I am leaving the 29th to embark on my Hawaiian journey. I'm so excited! And a bit anxious :) but I'm sure all will turn out well. I was more nervous when I thought I may have to go without my father due to his leg injury. Luckily for me, the doctor told my dad what he really needed to heal his leg was a couple of days on the beach. What a smart doctor! 

Packing has been difficult! I will of course try to bring as many Hawaii type clothes as I can.  I am sad not to be able to wear my fall clothes. Paradise comes with a price.
I want to bring some good books (especially the scriptures), pictures of my family, and of course my Tigger stuffed animal. 

I also get to give a talk in church this Sunday! Super excited, I love speaking. It's on proper dating, hopefully I learn from my own advice! 

Love ya, and I miss you!

We'll miss you too Aria, but you're never further away than a Skype phone call!

 Back in the day, @1970.
Ken, Dennis & January playing backetball in from of our house on Moana.
Dennis (hair dyed black for a role in The King & I) and Ken.
They spent most of their days barefooted.
Pretty rag-tag looking group!


  1. So INTERESTING to see the "CCH" as it is today. I'm verklempt with nostalgia! I want LOTS of pictures, pretty please! Are either of our old houses still there? Can you still swing on the vines to the side of the temple? Is the church you're speaking at the same building where we attended?

    Barefoot! Barefoot everywhere, even to school! Those were GREAT days...

    Hope YOU have the best days of your life (so far)!


  2. Oh Aria, I'm so going to miss you. Thank you so much for the fun memories this summer. I can't wait to hear about your adventures which I know will be amazing because you, my dear, are amazing. Love you.

  3. A. Enjoy Hawaii, Aria. We shall miss you (especially this winter).
    B. Look what Ken had to try to shoot over. No wonder he's scrappy.
    C. Clearly there is evidence in this picture of my looming days as a fashionista.
