Saturday, April 7, 2012


Not quite Easter time, but lovely hats, nonetheless
Steven, Katie,Aria,  Sashy & Davis.
Taken at Aunt Julie's home in Sacramento @2000.

Easter our first year in Hawaii.  1966


  1. Aww so cute! I'm so grateful you have always taken so many pictures, Grandma! They provide so many fun memories that I wouldn't be able to remember without a picture! And talk about your cute little children! Adorable.

  2. Me too, but it has been Grandpa who was the big push behind taking pictures. Thank goodness. What a blessing to have those memories.

  3. One more thing I thought of Sashy. My oldest sister Betty had one of those old (but new then) Brownie fox cameras and she like you, was the photographer for our family. Without her, I don't think we would have hardly had any photos. When my family moved to Arizona, she stayed behind because she was in the nursing program at BYU. That's about when the photos stopped.

  4. What cute side by sides! I remember that splashy Tahitian painting by Demoyne (sp) Garside! Wonder what happened to it? Carol's got it going ON. Heh.

    It's good to have someone in the family who's keen on taking photos. Sadly, I was not blessed with that knack.

    BEST childhood EVAH!

