Friday, February 24, 2012


Nathan Agle shares his birthday with
Leone Irene Christenson Agle Anderson.
She would be 100 years old this year so I thoughtI'd pay a tribute to her.
Anyone who knew her, knew that she was a very special lady.
This is from a family picture taken around 1914 when Leone was about 2 years old.  What a cutie.

Here she is with her sweet little brother who died a short time later
from the Spanish Flu that killed so many people in the world.

She married Magne Agle when she was 19 years old.
Six years later she would be a widow with a little 4 year old son.

Leone remarried a few years later and found a wonderful new father for Dennis.

This picture was taken with Axel, Dennis and Leone around 1949.
From that union two more children were added, Barbara and Tina.

1 comment:

  1. OH, my GOODNESS!!

    I LOVE ALL these pictures! Dad looks like a young John Wayne!

    Thank you, Mom, for posting these. Happy 100th, Grandma!

