Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Monday, March 6, 2017
Ken spent part of his Sunday visiting Bushy and the campus which is now home to very luxury apartments. Enjoy this trip down memory lane.
You can still see the U.S. International sign behind their new one.
Close up of the new building at the back of the campus.
You can still see the U.S. International sign behind their new one.
Notice the new building going on in the back. It will be new apartments but the exterior building will be done in the same style.
The roses are gone and there is new paving on roads.
Ken met the guard and had a nice visit with him telling him about living there so many years ago. The guard said, "you must know D. Rogalski. He still lives here." The guard called up Dave and he came right over and gave Ken the million dollar tour.
The entry way looks much the same.
Head master's house.
You can see the chapel on the left.
The chapel doors seem to say to me. . . .
Nice how they have done the walkways.
Close up of the new building at the back of the campus.
Landscaping looks great.
The bells do not ring anymore.
(That did take some getting used to them.)
There's our house on the right.
Ken says it is two apartments now.
Ken says it is two apartments now.
Our house on the left. Great landscaping.
That's a lot of paving stones.
One of my favorite shots of the campus.
I'd love to swim in that pool.
Still have the herringbone flooring.
I think that is Dave. His hair has changed a bit also.
Sunday, March 5, 2017
Events in London, Bushey and Dunstable.
Here are a few pictures I've captured from Dennis and Ken's travels.
Outside Buckingham Palace.
Their picture were taken after work, so no glimpse of the Queen or Changing of the Guard.
Liecester Square half price ticket booth.
Ken checking out what is available and what they can afford.
Ken says: "Guess what I'm seeing tonight? That's right not this show. Can't quite justify the $2000 over two nights for a ticket."
Dennis getting a good shot of Ken.
Ken on his travels to Watford.
One of the canals.
Canal boats. They are really fun to take a weekend trip in.
Best of all, Dennis had a nice visit with Suzanne's folks at the famous #9 Derwent Dr.
next time: the former USIU-E.
Friday, March 3, 2017
Dennis taking advantage of "airbnb" (a bed and breakfast that you book on line) he found this place.
How cool is that. They are on the top floor. They have the apartment to themselves. It is just blocks from their work, and tube stops.
The living area.
Looking into the kitchen.
Lovely kitchen.
Love those glass bottles.
Bedroom #1.
Bedroom #2.
Bathroom. What's that handle for?????
Oh. That explains it. Love those deep, long English tubs.
Thursday, March 2, 2017
BUT WAIT! . . . THERE'S MORE . . .
It looks like Scott was on the same "wave" (get it...wave. yuk, yuk) length as Ken.
Julie wrote:
Julie wrote:
Not to be out done by Ken, Scott was trying to grow his hair out for the last several months. It finally grew to the point that drove us both crazy and it wasn't growing fast enough.
These are the before photos from last night and then today. Isn't he pretty?!?!!
That's a lot of hair.
It can even sport a few pony tails. The kids in Haiti would have had a lot of fun with his hair.
What a difference a day makes.
Sunday, February 26, 2017
After many, many months of no haircuts, Ken went for it in a big way.
Washed and ready to cut.
Mayra has moved back home with the Agles and is plying her trade.
Yeah, let's make this fun.
Then it was down to LA's China town where he did a banking job. I wonder if they recognized him?
Tomorrow Dennis & Ken are off to London to visit the Queen!
Tomorrow Dennis & Ken are off to London to visit the Queen!
Sunday, February 19, 2017
In honor of President's Day, here's something spectacular from Julie. Here's what she wrote:
Ruth bought me a dress form at an auction this past summer. I started to do something with it then but didn't like what I was doing.
A couple if weeks ago I took her back out and started over. It is a combination of a couple of ideas from Pinterest.
What a lot of work. I think it is amazing! Thanks Julie.
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